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Buynomics.Talks: Monetizing and Pricing Sustainability with Stephan Liozu


In our series Buynomics.Talks, we speak with fascinating guests from the pricing and revenue management world. In a conversation with our co-founder Dr. Ingo Reinhardt, they share their ideas and insights from their specific area of expertise.

Our guest, Stephan Liozu, is the Founder & Chief Disruptor at Value Innoruption Advisors and Co-Founder at Pricing for the Planet. He published the book "Monetizing and Pricing Sustainability: Beyond Good Intentions: Transform Your Go-to-Market for Sustainable Impact," a comprehensive guide to unite sustainability with the world of pricing and monetization.

Watch now as we discover a roadmap to a future where profit and sustainability aren't mutually exclusive but interconnected. Challenge conventional wisdom, embrace a holistic 3P approach, and become a pioneer in sustainable monetization.

Ingo Reinhardt
Post by Ingo Reinhardt
August 25, 2023